Education Archives - DocnMail Education in the United States Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:42:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Education Archives - DocnMail 32 32 Lost in the System: Finding Your College Major Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:42:21 +0000 Picture this: you’re starting college, excited and with big plans. But when it comes to choosing a major, all you feel is… blank. It’s like being dropped into a giant maze with everyone else yelling directions, but none that sound quite right for you.  Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Tons of people end up “majorly […]

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Picture this: you’re starting college, excited and with big plans. But when it comes to choosing a major, all you feel is… blank. It’s like being dropped into a giant maze with everyone else yelling directions, but none that sound quite right for you. 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Tons of people end up “majorly confused,” and those perfectly curated social media posts of classmates knowing their destiny from day one are mostly fake news.

It’s easy to scan those course catalog listings or check out a few articles on WritePaper reviews about popular majors and still feel totally lost. There’s the pressure to pick something cool, find a field that pays well, and make your parents happy – it’s enough to make anyone want to pull a Ferris Bueller and head right back home. 

But stressing won’t get you anywhere. It’s time to get strategic about finding a major that actually ignites something in you.

Busting the “Perfect Major” Myth

Okay, let’s crush this whole “OMG, I need the one perfect major to have a good life” thing because that pressure is seriously whack. 

Think of all those adults you know – did they follow some magical, straight path to career happiness? Probably not. Most people switch gears, go back to school, or end up in jobs that seem crazy unrelated to what they studied. That’s totally normal!

Your major shouldn’t be this scary, super-serious decision that sets the course for every single thing you’ll ever do. It’s awesome to pick something you’re passionate about, but guess what? 

Passions shift. College is where you figure stuff out, explore new interests, and evolve. Maybe you fall head over heels for a subject you never considered before. Or you pick up some killer skills through your major that end up taking you down an awesome, twisty career path years later. Your major just shouldn’t feel like this rigid, unchangeable life contract.

Think of all the people who “majored” in social media in college – that wasn’t even a thing 10 years ago! The skills you pick up, the way you learn to think critically, and the way you problem-solve are often way more valuable in the long run than just the title of your college degree. 

So yeah, it’s worth choosing something that gets you excited to take those classes for some time, but it’s definitely not like a one-way street with nowhere to take a detour.

Your Inner Compass: Start Here

Forget those dry online quizzes or well-meaning advice from relatives who don’t quite “get” you. The most powerful advice on choosing a major is way closer than you think – it’s within yourself! Think of it less like discovering some cryptic message in a fortune cookie and more about getting real with your own gut feelings and unique spark. Let’s do a little inner exploration session:

The Thing You Can’t Shut Up About

You know that topic you could ramble on about for hours, even when your friends are making those “wrap it up!” eyes? Whether it’s political debates, the fascinating biology of weird creatures, or breaking down the perfect movie poster composition – all this points to subjects that fire up your brain and get you engaged. 

Follow that energy, and you’ll probably find a field of study that feels less like forced homework and more like a fun challenge.

Your “Flow” Zone

Think about those moments when time flies because you’re so fully absorbed in something. Maybe it’s crafting an epic video game soundtrack, building miniature worlds for tabletop games, or solving complex jigsaw puzzles just because. 

This is your zone of genius shining – those natural skills and interests you feel compelled to do because they come easy. Tap into what lights you up, and you’ll be able to see paths your brain already wants to explore.

Problem-Solving Vibes

We all naturally gravitate towards solving certain types of problems, even in life outside of schoolwork. 

Are you the friend everyone calls for tech support? Do you have that one closet that’s always perfectly color-coded? Those “little things” reveal a lot about your problem-solving preferences and point the way to potential career areas. 

Don’t downplay those natural fixes as trivial; there’s often a “big picture” career linked to that problem-solving superpower!

Beyond Your Bubble: Get Exploring

Okay, it’s time to escape Netflix and step out of your comfort zone. College is meant to expose you to new ideas, so embrace the unknown and try stuff out!

  • Intro 101. Those intro classes aren’t just required torture – see them as test drives! Audit something totally random that speaks to a tiny bit of curiosity, even if it feels impractical. You might discover hidden talents or surprising passions.
  • Talk It Out. Professors, advisors, TAs – they’ve heard it all, trust me. Schedule time to chat, ask about career paths related to their field, and get the insider viewpoint, not just dry course descriptions.
  • Club Scene. Get hands-on! Joining niche clubs lets you test your skills in a “real world” setting. That biology club field trip or marketing club competition can open your eyes way more than another essay assignment ever could.

The Real-World Factor

Let’s talk practicality for a sec. Sure, passion matters, but it’s gotta translate into some sort of future, right? Here’s where a mix of online research and actual human conversation comes in.

Don’t look for your first job out of college. Search for what’s out there in your potential fields of interest – do the skills & descriptions excite you?

Find folks on LinkedIn or family friends working in an area you’re curious about. Ask them NOT for a job, but for 20 minutes of their time to pick their brain – you’ll get honest insights way beyond Google.

Embrace the Process

It’s perfectly okay not to have it all figured out the moment you graduate high school. In fact, the students who obsess too much about the “perfect path” often trip themselves up along the way because life and interests change! 

Picking a major isn’t just about the academic box you check; it’s about building self-awareness, exploration, and finding a starting point that feels energizing to you

And honestly, the journey of figuring that out is a much greater skill than just memorizing stuff for an exam.

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How Instagram is Changing the Way Students Approach Education Mon, 23 Oct 2023 12:39:45 +0000 In a world driven by visual culture, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never rung truer. Instagram, a platform primarily designed for photo and video sharing, has harnessed the power of visuals in education, transforming the way students approach learning. Visual learning is not a new concept. Researchers have long acknowledged […]

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In a world driven by visual culture, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never rung truer. Instagram, a platform primarily designed for photo and video sharing, has harnessed the power of visuals in education, transforming the way students approach learning.

Visual learning is not a new concept. Researchers have long acknowledged that people have different learning styles, with a substantial portion of the population leaning towards visual learning. Visual information is processed faster and retained more effectively than text-based information. This makes Instagram, with its emphasis on images and videos, an ideal medium for delivering educational content.

The appeal of visuals in education is not confined to the classroom. Instagram has become a treasure trove of visually engaging educational content. Educators, influencers, and enthusiasts from diverse fields have flocked to the platform to share their knowledge, utilizing images, infographics, and short videos to convey complex concepts in a simplified and digestible format. This approach resonates particularly well with the digital-native generation, making learning more enjoyable and accessible.

The Prevalence of Educational Content on Instagram

The integration of education into Instagram has been a growing trend. Numerous accounts and hashtags have emerged, specifically dedicated to educational content. Whether it’s explaining scientific theories, offering language lessons, or sharing history facts, there’s a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. This abundance of information has democratized education, allowing students to explore topics beyond their formal curriculum and tailor their learning to their interests.

One notable feature that fosters the spread of educational content on Instagram is the “Explore” tab. Here, users are exposed to a wide array of content based on their interests and interactions. This means that even if you’re not following educational accounts, you might stumble upon valuable lessons or insights as you scroll through your feed.

The prevalence of educational content on Instagram is a testament to the platform’s evolving role beyond social interaction. It has become a virtual classroom, a place where learning is not confined by geographical or institutional boundaries. As Instagram continues to embrace the educational dimension, students now have a supplementary resource that complements and enriches their formal education.

Microlearning through Instagram

In an age of information overload, attention spans have grown shorter, and the demand for easily digestible content has surged. Instagram’s format, which encourages brevity and conciseness, perfectly aligns with this shift in learning preferences. Here, short-form educational content reigns supreme, allowing students to acquire knowledge in bite-sized portions.

Microlearning, the practice of delivering educational content in small, focused units, has found a welcoming home on Instagram. Instructors, educational influencers, and creators have mastered the art of conveying key concepts in just a few seconds or minutes. These micro-lessons are not only time-efficient but also cater to the hectic schedules of students who often juggle coursework, part-time jobs, and personal life.

Instagram Stories and IGTV as Learning Platforms

Two Instagram features that have significantly contributed to microlearning are Instagram Stories and IGTV (Instagram Television). Instagram Stories are brief photo or video sequences that disappear after 24 hours. They are often used for sharing ephemeral educational insights, quick tips, and interactive quizzes, making learning both fun and engaging.

IGTV, on the other hand, is a platform for longer video content. Educators and content creators have embraced IGTV to provide in-depth tutorials, lectures, and discussions on a wide range of subjects. IGTV’s format allows for more comprehensive exploration of topics, bridging the gap between short-form content and traditional e-learning platforms.

Diverse Educational Communities

Instagram has also fostered the growth of diverse educational communities. While traditional education tends to be structured and subject-specific, Instagram enables students to connect with a wide range of educational influencers and enthusiasts.

Niche Educational Influencers

Educational influencers on Instagram are experts in their respective fields, from mathematics to fitness, art, and beyond. They often cater to niche audiences, delivering content that caters to the specific interests of their followers. This diversity allows students to find educators who resonate with their individual learning preferences and goals.

Connecting with Experts and Enthusiasts

In addition to influencers, Instagram has provided students with a unique opportunity to engage with experts and enthusiasts who might not be easily accessible through traditional education channels. Through comments, direct messages, and live sessions, students can interact directly with knowledgeable individuals, getting their questions answered and expanding their understanding of various subjects.

This sense of community and direct engagement adds a personal touch to learning that is often missing in traditional classroom settings. Students can learn not just from experts but from peers who share their passion for learning.

Instagram’s role in fostering microlearning and cultivating educational communities has made it a valuable tool for students seeking flexibility and customization in their learning journey. In the next section, we will explore how Instagram is transforming student collaboration and engagement.

Student Collaboration and Engagement

Instagram isn’t just about individual learning; it has also become a hub for collaborative learning. Here, students have the opportunity to connect, interact, and learn from each other in ways that were once limited to physical classrooms.

Study Groups and Project Collaboration

Instagram’s Direct Messages and the interactive nature of the platform make it an ideal space for students to form study groups and collaborate on projects. These digital study sessions transcend geographical boundaries, allowing students to team up with peers from across the globe. Whether it’s solving complex math problems, preparing for exams, or working on group assignments, Instagram facilitates teamwork and knowledge sharing.

Online Discussions and Peer Support

The platform’s comment section under educational posts encourages thoughtful discussions and peer-to-peer support. Students can ask questions, share insights, and offer guidance to one another. It’s a community where the learning process is collaborative, and everyone, regardless of their academic level, can contribute.

Engagement and Motivation

Beyond traditional learning methods, Instagram’s interactive features have gamified the learning process, turning education into an engaging and motivating experience.

Gamification of Learning

Educational challenges, quizzes, and contests on Instagram turn learning into a game. These interactive tools not only make studying more enjoyable but also encourage healthy competition among students. Gamification fosters a sense of achievement and motivation, which can be particularly valuable in long-term educational journeys.

Encouraging Learning through Competitions and Challenges

Instagram’s features, such as the poll and question stickers, create opportunities for educators to challenge students with thought-provoking questions, encouraging them to think critically and participate actively in the learning process. These interactive elements are not only engaging but also tap into students’ natural curiosity, driving them to seek answers and deepen their understanding.

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Educational Innovations: United States Schools Today Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:40:46 +0000 The modern American school landscape is continually evolving, primarily driven by innovations in the educational sector. From cutting-edge technology to groundbreaking pedagogical methods, the aim remains consistent: to provide students with the best possible learning experiences. This article delves deep into the innovations changing the face of United States education and their vital roles in […]

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The modern American school landscape is continually evolving, primarily driven by innovations in the educational sector. From cutting-edge technology to groundbreaking pedagogical methods, the aim remains consistent: to provide students with the best possible learning experiences. This article delves deep into the innovations changing the face of United States education and their vital roles in schools today.

Blended Learning Models

One of the most significant educational shifts in recent years is the rise of blended learning models. These models combine traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning, offering students a more flexible and personalized education experience. The incorporation of digital tools and resources allows students to learn at their own pace, accessing resources and assignments outside of regular school hours. For teachers, this means an opportunity to employ a more diverse range of teaching strategies, tailoring their instruction to meet individual student needs. Schools adopting this model have reported increased student engagement, improved retention rates, and overall higher academic performance.

Emphasis on STEAM Education

STEAM, an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, has gained prominence in the American educational landscape. Schools are increasingly integrating these subjects into their curriculums, recognizing the interconnectedness of these disciplines in the modern world. By merging the creative processes of the arts with the analytical skills required in STEM fields, STEAM aims to foster a more holistic educational experience. This innovative approach prepares students for a wide range of careers, emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Inclusive Classrooms and Special Education

Inclusion is not just a buzzword; it’s an essential principle in contemporary American schools. Educational institutions are making concerted efforts to ensure that all students, regardless of their physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges, receive a quality education. Modern schools are equipped with resources and tools designed to cater to students with special needs. This includes everything from adaptive technology to tailored teaching methodologies. The push towards more inclusive classrooms doesn’t just benefit students with special needs; it fosters an environment of empathy, understanding, and collaboration among all students.

Project-Based Learning

Moving away from traditional rote memorization, many American schools are now adopting project-based learning (PBL) approaches. PBL encourages students to engage in real-world challenges, working in teams to find solutions to complex problems. This method not only promotes deeper knowledge retention but also develops essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. Schools that have integrated PBL into their curriculum have observed increased student enthusiasm and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

The Digital Evolution: Tech in Classrooms

The technological revolution has not left the education sector untouched. Schools across the United States are integrating various technologies into their classrooms, from interactive whiteboards to virtual reality headsets. These tools serve multiple purposes: making lessons more engaging, providing access to a plethora of online resources, and preparing students for a digitally-driven world. The emphasis is not just on using technology but using it effectively. Teachers undergo professional development to ensure they can harness these tools to enhance their teaching methods.

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in Schools

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term that’s gaining traction in the field of education, and for a good reason. It’s the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions while also recognizing and influencing the emotions of others. In the United States, more schools are emphasizing EI as a foundational skill, just as vital as traditional academic subjects. Developing emotional intelligence in students means fostering skills like empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. Educators are introducing tools and programs to teach students about emotions, how to handle them, and the importance of emotional well-being. Schools that prioritize EI report improved student-teacher relationships, reduced bullying incidents, and a positive learning environment. Furthermore, students with higher EI tend to handle stress better, leading to improved academic performance.

Global Citizenship Education

In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding our global interdependence is paramount. American schools are emphasizing the importance of global citizenship education (GCE) to equip students with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes they need to thrive in a changing world. GCE isn’t just about understanding different cultures or speaking another language. It’s about recognizing the complex challenges the world faces—such as climate change, inequality, and conflict—and understanding how they interrelate. By integrating GCE into the curriculum, schools are nurturing open-minded individuals who can critically assess world events, recognize biases, and act with a sense of responsibility. Educators are weaving global perspectives into various subjects, ensuring students see the broader implications of what they learn. Whether it’s a literature class discussing global themes in a novel or a science lesson on the environmental challenges faced worldwide, the aim remains consistent: to produce well-rounded individuals who think and act as global citizens.


The educational landscape in the United States is dynamic, with innovations playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of learning. As schools continue to adapt and evolve, the focus remains on providing students with comprehensive, inclusive, and engaging educational experiences. The integration of technology, new learning methodologies, and an emphasis on inclusivity ensures that American schools are well-equipped to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century.

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Financial Freedom for Students Wed, 16 Aug 2023 11:42:14 +0000 In today’s digital age, managing finances efficiently and safely is a priority for everyone, especially students who are just beginning to understand the intricacies of personal finance. This is where MuchBetter steps in, revolutionizing the way students handle their money. MuchBetter: The New Digital Payment Method The financial landscape has shifted tremendously in the past […]

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In today’s digital age, managing finances efficiently and safely is a priority for everyone, especially students who are just beginning to understand the intricacies of personal finance. This is where MuchBetter steps in, revolutionizing the way students handle their money.

MuchBetter: The New Digital Payment Method

The financial landscape has shifted tremendously in the past decade. With digital payments gaining popularity, companies like MuchBetter are leading the way with innovative solutions. The MuchBetter digital payment method is designed with the user’s ease and security in mind. Its intuitive interface makes it convenient for students who are often juggling between classes, part-time jobs, and social commitments. For students, the significance of a reliable digital payment platform cannot be understated. Tuition fees, accommodation costs, book expenses, and daily essentials all require seamless transactions. With MuchBetter, students can make these transactions efficiently, without the hassles commonly associated with traditional banking methods.

Safety First with MuchBetter

One of the primary concerns for students and their families is the safety of online transactions. The digital realm is fraught with potential threats, from hackers to phishing scams. MuchBetter addresses these concerns head-on, offering advanced security measures that ensure every transaction is protected. With features like dynamic security codes and touch ID recognition, the risk of unauthorized access is minimal. This assurance of safety allows students to focus on their studies and other responsibilities, knowing their finances are in secure hands.

Harnessing the Power of Rewards

Beyond just being a digital payment platform, MuchBetter offers a unique rewards system that sets it apart from competitors. For students who are always on the lookout for deals and bonuses, this feature proves to be incredibly advantageous. Every time a user transacts using MuchBetter, they earn points which can be accumulated and redeemed for a range of rewards. This can include everything from cash bonuses to exclusive event tickets. For students, this means that every textbook purchase, every utility bill payment, or every coffee bought could be an opportunity to earn rewards. Such incentives not only encourage responsible financial behavior but also make the process engaging. Additionally, with collaborations with various brands and outlets, students could get discounts and special offers, making their college life a tad bit more affordable.

MuchBetter Contribution to Financial Education

Recognizing the importance of financial literacy, MuchBetter goes beyond being a mere transactional platform. The company invests in financial education initiatives, understanding that today’s students are tomorrow’s economic pillars. They provide resources, webinars, and interactive sessions focusing on essential topics like savings, investments, credit scores, and more. Given the challenges students face, from student loans to navigating the complexities of independent living, having a foundational understanding of money management is crucial. MuchBetter’s initiatives in this space underscore their commitment to empowering the youth, ensuring they make informed financial decisions that benefit them in the long run. These additional dimensions to MuchBetter’s offerings highlight its holistic approach to personal finance. It’s not just about providing a service; it’s about shaping a generation that is financially astute and ready to face the challenges of the modern world.

Budgeting and Expense Tracking

Financial responsibility is an essential skill that everyone should master, and the sooner, the better. MuchBetter is not just a tool for making transactions; it’s also an invaluable resource for managing expenses. Students can track their spending patterns, set limits, and receive real-time notifications about their account activity. This feature empowers students to budget effectively, avoid overspending, and save for future needs.

Building a Community of Financially Savvy Students

One of the less talked about, but equally significant, aspects of MuchBetter’s approach is its focus on community building. College life is not just about attending lectures and cramming for exams; it’s also about making lifelong connections, sharing experiences, and learning from one another. MuchBetter taps into this communal aspect by fostering a community of users who share tips, tricks, and personal finance hacks. This community-driven approach has multiple benefits. Firstly, it helps demystify many of the complexities associated with personal finance. When students share their own experiences and solutions, it becomes easier for their peers to relate and learn. It’s one thing to read about financial strategies in an article, but it’s entirely different when the advice is coming from a fellow student who has been through the same challenges. Secondly, this approach provides emotional support. Financial stress is a genuine concern for many students, and knowing that there’s a community to lean on can be incredibly reassuring. Whether it’s advice on managing student loans or finding budget-friendly resources, having a supportive community can make all the difference.


In conclusion, as students transition into adulthood, they need tools that can help them navigate the complexities of personal finance. MuchBetter’s digital payment method is a step in the right direction, providing a blend of convenience, efficiency, and top-notch security. As digital payments continue to evolve, platforms like MuchBetter will be instrumental in shaping a financially savvy generation.

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Using Bingo Cards in the Classroom: A Fun and Effective Teaching Tool Wed, 05 Jul 2023 09:21:53 +0000 Educators are continually looking for new and innovative ways to engage their students in the learning process. One such method that has proven to be both fun and effective is the use of bingo cards in the classroom. This classic game can be easily adapted to teach various subjects, reinforce concepts, and promote a positive […]

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Educators are continually looking for new and innovative ways to engage their students in the learning process. One such method that has proven to be both fun and effective is the use of bingo cards in the classroom. This classic game can be easily adapted to teach various subjects, reinforce concepts, and promote a positive learning environment, especially when you use a bingo card template — StoryboardThat provides various options for free. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using bingo cards in the classroom. We’ll also provide examples of how they can be used across different subjects and offer tips on creating your own custom cards for this game.

The Benefits of Using Bingo Cards in the Classroom

There are several benefits to incorporating bingo cards into your teaching repertoire. Some of these include:

  • Increased student engagement: Bingo is a game that most students are familiar with and enjoy playing. By incorporating it into the classroom, you can capture their attention and increase their motivation to participate in the learning process.
  • Reinforcement of concepts: The cards can be customized to focus on specific concepts or skills that students need to practice. As they play the game, they are repeatedly exposed to the material, helping to reinforce their understanding.
  • Promoting active listening and critical thinking skills: In order to win a game of bingo, students must listen carefully to the teacher’s prompts and think critically about how the information relates to their card.
  • Encouraging collaboration and teamwork: Bingo can be played individually or in teams, promoting cooperation and communication among students.
  • Easily adaptable to various subjects and grade levels: The cards can be created to suit any subject or grade level, making them a versatile teaching tool.

Examples of Bingo Card Use Across Different Subjects

Bingo cards can be used to teach a wide range of subjects and concepts. Here are a few examples:


Create bingo cards with math problems, and have students solve the problems as they are called out. Alternatively, you can create cards with the answers to math problems and have students figure out the correct problem that corresponds with the answer.

Language Arts

For vocabulary practice, create bingo cards with vocabulary words, and use the definitions as the prompts. Students must identify the correct word that matches the definition. You can also use bingo cards to practice grammar concepts, such as parts of speech or verb tenses.


Create bingo cards with scientific terms, symbols, or concepts. Use prompts related to the topic being studied, such as describing a process, providing a definition, or asking a question about a specific concept.

Social Studies

For history lessons, create bingo cards with important dates, events, or historical figures. Use prompts that provide information or ask questions related to the specific event or person. In geography lessons, bingo cards can feature country names, capitals, or landmarks, with prompts that describe or provide clues about the location.

Foreign Language

Bingo cards can be used to practice vocabulary, verb conjugations, or other language concepts. Create cards with words or phrases in the target language, and use prompts in either the target language or English, depending on your students’ skill level.

Tips for Creating Custom Bingo Cards

Creating your own custom bingo cards for classroom use is simple and can be done using a variety of methods. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Determine the purpose of your bingo game: Before creating your bingo cards, decide what concept or skill you want your students to practice. This will help guide the content you include on the cards.
  • Choose a format: There are many pre-made bingo card templates available online, or you can create your own using word processing or graphic design software. Select a format that is easy to read and visually appealing.
  • Include a variety of content: To keep the game engaging and challenging, include a mix of easy and difficult prompts on your bingo cards.
  • Make multiple versions of the cards: Create several different versions of the bingo cards to ensure that students have a unique card and increase the chances of multiple winners.
  • Provide clear instructions: Before starting the game, make sure to explain the rules and objectives clearly to your students. This will help ensure that the game runs smoothly and is an effective learning tool.
  • Consider using a digital format: There are many online tools and apps available for creating and playing digital bingo games. This can be a great option for classrooms with access to technology, as it allows for easy customization and eliminates the need for printing and laminating physical cards.

Other Board Games for Classroom Use

In addition to bingo, there are several other board games that can be effectively used in the classroom to promote learning and engagement. Here are a few examples:

  • Scrabble: This classic word game is perfect for reinforcing vocabulary and spelling skills. Students can play individually or in teams, competing to create the highest-scoring words using letter tiles. To adapt Scrabble for younger students or those learning a foreign language, consider using simplified rules or creating custom letter tiles with age-appropriate words or phrases.
  • Monopoly: The popular property trading game can be used to teach financial literacy, economics, and negotiation skills. Teachers can create custom Monopoly boards tailored to specific themes or subjects, such as historical events or famous landmarks. 
  • Chess and Checkers: These classic strategy games can help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and planning skills. Chess and checkers can also be used to teach concepts related to patterns, sequences, and cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Trivial Pursuit: This general knowledge game can be easily adapted for classroom use by creating custom question cards related to specific subjects or topics being studied. Trivial Pursuit allows students to test their knowledge in a fun and competitive environment while promoting active recall and memory retention.

In conclusion, using bingo cards in the classroom is a fun and effective way to engage students and reinforce important concepts. By creating custom bingo cards tailored to your specific subject and grade level, you can provide a unique and enjoyable learning experience for your students. Give it a try and see how this classic game can enhance your teaching and make learning more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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An Overview of Education in the United States Wed, 14 Jun 2023 14:06:19 +0000 Education is a cornerstone of society, shaping the future of individuals and nations. In the United States, education plays a vital role in preparing students for a successful and productive life. From early childhood education to higher education, the American education system encompasses a diverse range of institutions and programs. In this article, we provide […]

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Education is a cornerstone of society, shaping the future of individuals and nations. In the United States, education plays a vital role in preparing students for a successful and productive life. From early childhood education to higher education, the American education system encompasses a diverse range of institutions and programs. In this article, we provide an overview of education in the United States, exploring its structure, key components, and challenges.

The American educational system is primarily managed by the individual states, while the federal government sets national standards and goals. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are 128,431 elementary schools, 16,759 middle schools, and 19,562 high schools in the US.

The Foundation: Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education sets the stage for a child’s educational journey. In the United States, it typically starts with preschool or pre-kindergarten programs, which are often privately operated or run by public schools. These programs focus on fostering social skills, early literacy, and cognitive development. Some states also offer publicly funded pre-kindergarten programs to ensure access for all children. Early childhood education aims to provide a nurturing environment where children can develop a love for learning and acquire foundational skills necessary for their future educational pursuits.

Primary and Secondary Education

Primary and secondary education, commonly referred to as K-12 education, is compulsory for children in the United States. It consists of elementary school (grades K-5 or 6), middle school (grades 6-8 or 7-8), and high school (grades 9-12). The curriculum varies across states, but typically includes core subjects such as mathematics, English language arts, science, social studies, and physical education. Public schools, funded by local, state, and federal governments, are the primary providers of K-12 education. Private schools also exist, offering alternative educational philosophies or specialized programs. The goal of primary and secondary education is to provide a well-rounded education, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare students for higher education or the workforce.

Higher Education: Colleges and Universities

Higher education in the United States offers a multitude of options, including colleges, universities, and community colleges. Colleges typically offer undergraduate degrees, while universities encompass both undergraduate and graduate programs. Community colleges, also known as two-year colleges, provide associate degrees and vocational training. Higher education institutions in the U.S. emphasize academic rigor, research opportunities, and a diverse array of disciplines and majors. Students can pursue degrees in fields such as arts, sciences, engineering, business, and healthcare. While higher education can be expensive, various financial aid programs, scholarships, and grants aim to make it accessible to a wider range of students.

Challenges and Reforms

The American education system faces several challenges and has undergone significant reforms in recent years. One of the main challenges is educational equity, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, have access to quality education. Achievement gaps persist, particularly among disadvantaged and minority students. Efforts to address these gaps include implementing targeted interventions, increasing funding for under-resourced schools, and providing support for English language learners and students with disabilities. Additionally, discussions around curriculum standards, standardized testing, and the role of technology in education continue to shape the educational landscape and drive reform initiatives.

Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education

Education does not end with a degree. Lifelong learning and continuing education play a crucial role in professional development and personal growth. The United States offers a wide range of opportunities for adults to continue their education. Professional development programs, online courses, vocational training, and certificate programs allow individuals to acquire new skills, stay updated in their fields, and explore new areas of interest. Lifelong learning fosters a culture of ongoing education, adaptability, and continuous improvement, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Education in the United States encompasses a comprehensive and diverse system, starting from early childhood education and extending to higher education and lifelong learning. By focusing on early childhood development, providing quality primary and secondary education, offering diverse options for higher education, addressing challenges through reforms, and promoting lifelong learning, the United States strives to nurture minds, prepare individuals for success, and contribute to the growth and progress of society as a whole.

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Exploring the Benefits of USA Study Mon, 05 Jun 2023 10:34:07 +0000 Education in the USA has always been highly valued by students worldwide. With some of the most prestigious institutions, a world-class educational system, and various cultural and research opportunities, studying in the USA certainly has many benefits. This article will discuss the top benefits of studying in the USA. Overview of Higher Education in the […]

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Education in the USA has always been highly valued by students worldwide. With some of the most prestigious institutions, a world-class educational system, and various cultural and research opportunities, studying in the USA certainly has many benefits. This article will discuss the top benefits of studying in the USA.

Overview of Higher Education in the USA

The USA has the highest concentration of top-ranked universities globally; four of the top ten are in the USA. Besides these prestigious institutions, there are various other higher education systems in the USA, such as community colleges and liberal arts colleges, which give students even more options.

Benefits of a USA Education

Academic Excellence & Accreditation: The education the USA offers students is incomparable. It emphasizes specific skills that help individuals develop into highly employable and successful professionals. With accreditation from quality universities, students from the US are also recognized universally all over the world.

Networking Opportunities: Besides education, studying in the USA provides students with various networking opportunities. With universities being linked to hundreds of companies, students get the chance to develop the right kind of networks and contacts, which can be highly beneficial.

Research & Cultural Opportunities: Studying in the USA provides students with various research and cultural opportunities. With the number of unique and creative minds gathered in the same space, students explore diverse ideas, develop new skills and make connections that can last them a lifetime. Also, with other students from different countries and backgrounds, students get to immerse themselves in other cultures and gain valuable knowledge from them.

Benefits of STEM Education in the USA

STEM education, focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after educational programs in the USA. With the high demand for professionals who can take on challenging roles in these industries, STEM education provides students with many opportunities and an edge over their peers. Not only does STEM offer unique and creative problem-solving skills, but it also helps them excel in their careers and earn higher salaries. Students to pursue STEM studies in school and college, the USA can reap the benefits in the future. In the classroom, students will learn important scientific and mathematical terms and principles that will help build their knowledge base, making them more savvy and flexible when tackling career opportunities in the future. The growing interest and participation in STEM subjects prove that children are well aware of how they can benefit from it and put it to use in the future.

Outside of the classroom, the USA can also benefit from STEM education. With the nation’s focus on technology, students with the proper STEM education can drive the economy forward. In addition, STEM applications intersect with various other fields, such as healthcare, alternative energy, and urban planning, making the USA stand out from its competitors in various industries.

Overall, the benefits of STEM education in the USA are endless. From equipping students with the tools to succeed in their chosen career paths to driving the US economy forward, STEM education is essential if the USA hopes to keep growing and remain competitive in the global market.

Diversity of Programs & Student Support in US Higher Education

Studying in the USA also allows students to explore various degree programs. From Communication Arts, Business, and Liberal Arts to Physical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and STEM, students can choose appropriate majors and minors that match their interests. On top of that, students can get access to a wide range of academic and extracurricular support services, which help them settle in and make the most of their time. Some of the resources US institutions offer include career and academic counseling, foreign language support, learning assistance, and other assistance to help students develop core skills and knowledge. This includes orientation sessions, free academic workshops, and informal events such as guest lectures, film screenings, and panel discussions. Academic support is significant for international students unfamiliar with the US system and its traditions.

Furthermore, student organizations and clubs are great avenues for international students to gain more knowledge about their new home, explore shared interests, hone their social skills, and build strong networks. For example, some schools have explicitly designed clubs catering to international students, such as student exchange programs and mentoring services.

Financial Aid & Scholarships for US Students

Studying in the USA requires significant funds, from tuition fees and monthly living expenses. Students can benefit from numerous financial aid options. Major universities and colleges have scholarships and grants which students can avail of to make their education more affordable.

On top of all these benefits, students from different levels of study from high school, university, or research students, at can get reliable help and assistance with their academic assignments.


Studying in the USA is a great opportunity that every student should consider if they want to gain a world-class education, develop new skills, and gain unique experiences. With the different academic options, different levels of study, and highly prestigious universities, the USA is undoubtedly where student dreams come true.

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5 Top Educational Institutions for Game-Design Fri, 12 May 2023 13:33:10 +0000 The next facilities offer degrees for people who pursue their interest in designing game products. Some of these educational facilities have excellent programmes specifically geared towards video game development. The following list includes five ranked as “worthy” by professional designers at  Pokie Place: The USA Art Institutions: Selection Criteria In the past, a traditional art […]

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The next facilities offer degrees for people who pursue their interest in designing game products. Some of these educational facilities have excellent programmes specifically geared towards video game development. The following list includes five ranked as “worthy” by professional designers at  Pokie Place:

  • Top 1st is Parsons School of Design (PSoD)
  • Top 2nd is California Institute of Technology (CIT)
  • Top 3rd is New York University (NYU)
  • Top 4th is Northeastern University (NU)
  • Top 5th is Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

The USA Art Institutions: Selection Criteria

In the past, a traditional art school would have been one of the only options for those wanting to pursue an artistic career. Nowadays, there are more choices than ever before including art schools which focus on teaching people how to design products and services that reflect consumer needs and preferences.

As learners look for the best art design schools, they need to make sure that it is accredited and has a good reputation. We put our list based on six criteria: employability of graduates, degree rating, average salary of specialists in that field, professor feedback, reputation and student testimonials, in our case these were designers from Pokie Place who have been for 10 years in the field.


It’s a world-renowned institution, providing learners with an education in the latest and most innovative design. Parsons School of Design is the top design school in the United States, according to Forbes Magazine. Founded in 1896, Parsons has long been deemed to be a forerunner in art and design education. It is located on Fifth Avenue and Waverly Place in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood. The first place to propose programmes in fashion in multiple business sectors.


The educational institution is composed of the top talent in their fields. Teaching and advocating for New Media Arts, Professor Hillary Mushkin teaches a popular media arts seminar that gives learners the chance to explore new high tech innovations, ideas, and ways of thinking about design. 

CalTech’s design faculty not only teach classes on their particular discipline, but also explore emerging high tech innovations and advocate for new media arts as a valuable area of study. Caltech has been at the forefront in integrating new media into its curriculum since 1991 when it was one of the first universities to offer courses in 3D art.


The educational facility is a stimulating, challenging environment that offers learners the possibility to develop new ways of looking at the world. Through intensive study in design methods and principles, you’ll explore theories, create prototypes for design experiments, use physical materials as well as digital media to represent your work. With an innovative curriculum from specialists in their fields, learners actively explore and expand the boundaries of design.

The aim is to develop artists who can think widely and originally, innovate with new thoughts, solve problems in creative ways, work jointly as participants of diverse teams, contribute across disciplines and cultures, and become leaders in the gambling fields.


The facility opened their doors to art learners, giving both a conceptual framework and a set of hands-on skills. They propose three focuses: digital design with an emphasis on emerging high tech innovations; interactive media with an emphasis on game-making, narrative production, sound design and other new approaches to storytelling; or animation for film or video games. The lecturer department is composed of game artists, game musicians and gamemakers who have worked as professionals.


People of the arts are integral to the world’s creative economy, which is worth trillions of dollars annually. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a university that proposes a degree in design and applied arts. It proposes learners professional preparation for careers in game-design-related fields. 

The place gives the chance to learn novel skills and knowledge of different art forms, media and techniques. You may obtain specialist skills in fields such as gambling and innovations too. Designers need many varied talents — including drawing, graphic design, typography and sculpture. With this level of training you’ll be able to create for yourself a career which is both creative and practical.

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The Best USA Cities To Live And Work In Fri, 27 Jan 2023 14:26:19 +0000 With all the turmoil in the world, finding a decent job is more important than ever. Some cities in the US have better job opportunities and will make it easier for you to land the position of your dreams. You should consider visiting one of the most populated cities. This article will present you the […]

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With all the turmoil in the world, finding a decent job is more important than ever. Some cities in the US have better job opportunities and will make it easier for you to land the position of your dreams. You should consider visiting one of the most populated cities. This article will present you the top 10 most popular US Cities for job seekers and business owners. We’ll discuss what makes each city unique and what opportunities you can look forward to.

This guide should help you to have a clearer picture of the cities and the job market, and it’s important to remember that having an outstanding resume is key to getting the perfect career. Your resume is often the first point of contact between you and a potential employer, so it’s essential that it’s well-written, clear, and easy to read. 

A professional resume writer can help you create a resume that highlights your skills and qualifications in the best possible way, and that is tailored to the specific job you are applying for. They can also help you identify the most important information to include and help you to stand out from other candidates. 

Additionally, a professional resume writer can provide additional services such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and interview coaching, which can help you prepare for your job search. With the help of a professional resume writer, you can be sure that your resume will be polished, professional, and ready to help you land your dream job. 

Top 10 US Cities for Job Seekers

  • Birmingham
  • Salt Lake City
  • Jacksonville
  • Indianapolis
  • Nashville
  • Tampa
  • Charlotte
  • Seattle
  • Denver
  • Orlando

Many great opportunities exist for job seekers. There may be additional cities depending on what you do. These are the “cream of the crop” if you want to be general. The Best Cross Country Moving team visited each city and determined they were worthy of being in the top 10. Moving to these cities will open up many job opportunities and lead to greater financial success. Let’s start by looking at our top 10.


Although it might seem surprising, Birmingham offers some of the best housing options and has the lowest unemployment rates. In addition, the city’s employment growth rate has been very healthy at 7.7% in the past four years. This is largely due to the presence of new startups that chose Birmingham as their home.

The average rent payment cost is only 25%. This allows you to “bank” your income and save money for a home. Birmingham is home to many different work environments, with the tech industry being a major one. The Switch is an innovation district.

The Switch is an exciting area that attracts all kinds of creative thinkers, entrepreneurs, students, and innovators. It’s a place where they can come together to create, build, launch, and sustain new ideas. This is a great place to work if you are looking for a job.

The city offers many amenities to its residents in addition to work. Many new restaurants are available, along with a variety of leisure activities. There are also miles of greenways, creeks, and rivers that can be explored. You can do all kinds of activities here, including walking, biking, kayaking, and many more.

Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City’s economy is often synonymous with “Booming.” Nearly 700,000 city workers enjoy a low unemployment of 1.9% and attractive corporate tax rates. They also have a friendly business environment. The city’s massive. In addition, the expansion of the airport makes it even more attractive to businesses.

The top two most popular sectors are tech companies and commercial real estate. Salt Lake City is home to around 100 tech companies constantly innovating and working hard. As more people make SLC their home, the best interstate movers Salk lake City has to offer aren’t suffering from a lack of work.

Salt Lake City has amazing views and great job opportunities. The city’s infrastructure includes the new performing arts center, more than two thousand restaurants, thirteen breweries, and a public transportation system that connects them all.


Jacksonville is another great place to find work opportunities. In recent years, Jacksonville’s job market has increased by nearly 3% per year. Experts predict that the future growth in job opportunities will be even greater and could increase by up to 45% over the next ten years. The average US job growth is 33%.

Jacksonville has everything you need to have a job with a high income. The sales and income tax rates are 7% and 0%, respectively. The median household income is $25,500. Although this is less than the national average, it is still quite high. Because of this, some of the best cross-country moving companies in Jacksonville have seen greater relocations. To be honest, you’ll want to find a higher-paying job to make the most of this city.


Another city that isn’t often mentioned when it comes down to job searching, but one you may not be aware of. Indianapolis offers many benefits, including a growing job market and lower living costs. The lower living expenses will often make up the difference.

Although Indianapolis residents have an average income lower than the national average of $24,100, it does not include the amount you will have to spend on running expenses. The city runs the water and gas, which significantly lowers its costs. The most important thing about Indianapolis is that it has many jobs.

Low living costs and excellent infrastructure are why Indianapolis is so popular. There are plenty of jobs available in the city if you’re willing and able to work hard. This is true in almost every industry. Unfortunately, high-income jobs are a little rare. Indianapolis may be the best place to start in a warehouse job and work your way up.


Nashville is an economic powerhouse and has seen incredible growth in recent years. As a result, you will spend a significant portion of your income on housing. This is where the law of supply-demand works its magic. Rents rise as more people choose to live in and work in the city. Rents can be deducted up to 39% from your monthly income. But, when you consider that NYC residents must deduct 53% and San Francisco residents nearly 77% of their income, it doesn’t look so bad.

Although the rate of job growth is slowing, there are still plenty of jobs despite the challenges that the construction industry faces right now. Hospitality and entertainment are the most important sectors. Nashville is a city where you can’t get bored. It has many museums, parks, bike trails, and live music venues. Overall, it is a wonderful place to live. However, you will need to make a reservation early if you want to hire one of the best cross-country movers Nashville can offer for your relocation. 


Tourism, finance, health care, and technology are the main drivers of Tampa’s economy. The state’s largest port is located in the city. It has an economic impact of more than $15 billion. The city’s unemployment rate is approximately 5% lower than the national average. The city’s job market has experienced a steady increase of 2.3% in the past year.

Tampa does not have an income tax. Although the tax rate is slightly lower than the national average (a standard 7%), it will still leave big earners feeling much better. Tampa residents can expect to earn almost $30,000 per year. Again, this is higher than the national average. These factors combine to make it more attractive for people to hire the best cross-country movers in Tampa. Tampa is an amazing city with a diverse population and is great for living and working. 


Charlotte is a great place to work if you are looking for a job. The Bank of America is located there. They are not the only ones. Many others have joined this institution’s powerhouse. The city is home to the headquarters of Duke Energy, Sonic Automotive, and Brighthouse Financial.

Lowes, located only 40 minutes from Charlotte in Mooresville, is another interesting fact driving Charlotte’s economy. Jeld-Wen is one of the many companies that have drawn attention to Charlotte. They supply Lowes. Honeywell and the Coca-Cola Bottling Company are just a few of the other companies that have moved to Charlotte. These companies provide amazing job opportunities and increase the city’s overall employment growth rate. Charlotte’s recent employment growth rate was nearly 8.5%.

Some of the best companies have their headquarters in Charlotte. Charlotte is a beautiful place to live, besides the economic factors. People are attracted to the large forest areas in this beautiful state. Before you call one of the interstate moving companies in Charlotte, ensure that rent represents around 33% of an average income. However, living is much cheaper than living in Boston.


Seattle is well-known for its tech industry, so we don’t have to say too much. The “Emerald City” is home to Microsoft and Amazon. It’s our top choice for the best US city for job seekers. It’s no surprise that the unemployment rate is so low. Amazon has over 53,000 employees. They are working to increase this number.

Seattle is home to amazing amenities and beautiful landscapes. It also boasts world-famous tech talent. All this at a much lower cost of living than San Francisco or Silicon Valley. Residents moving are in full swing in the area, indicating that people don’t want to move away from their homes but just want to move to another place. 


Denver is home to many big names like Red Robin and Camp Bow Wow. It will surprise you that Denver has seen the most recent hourly wage increase of almost 6.5%. This is due to the city’s diverse economy and incredible outdoor recreation opportunities. So it’s no surprise that this city attracts some of the most prominent industry names. Denver offers great job opportunities and a variety of leisure activities.


Orlando, the final city on our list of top US cities for job-seekers, is a major in the tourism industry. It’s easy to see why, with so many theme parks! With 50.6 million visitors, the Orlando International Airport set all records regarding people arriving at the airport. Although this can lead to congested traffic conditions, it is clear that the tourism and entertainment industry makes the city a great place to work.

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A Guide To Getting A Job As A Historical Researcher Wed, 25 Jan 2023 12:18:51 +0000 Researchers in all areas use their intellectual curiosity and analytical skills for new information. They also share their discoveries with the rest of the world. They are not the only ones who have a passion for digging through historical records and uncovering important moments in the past. History researchers can work in academia, government, and […]

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Researchers in all areas use their intellectual curiosity and analytical skills for new information. They also share their discoveries with the rest of the world. They are not the only ones who have a passion for digging through historical records and uncovering important moments in the past. History researchers can work in academia, government, and the military, as well as in museums and economics. A Master of Arts in History degree is available to anyone who wants to be a historian.

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What does a history researcher do?

Historical researchers examine past events, peoples, policies, documents, and other information to understand their impact on current and future societies. A history researcher must examine both primary and secondary sources. In addition, they translate and interpret texts into other languages and help museum curators and historians preserve artifacts.

Some historians work at universities, while others do specialized research on a particular topic. The study of American history can include everything from the effects of religion on ancient governments to American politics. The history researcher starts by identifying a topic or broad question. Next, they search for and analyze previous research studies that are related.

They then narrow down or refine their investigation to determine which historical research method they will use. Next, they search for primary and secondary sources in university archives, historical societies, public records, and other sources. After analyzing these sources, they write or publish academic papers.

History researchers have many career options.

Historians can play many important roles in both private and public sectors. Master of Arts degrees in history, for example, emphasize research skills, subject knowledge, and practical application of findings. In addition, a master’s degree in advanced history can teach individuals how to be successful historians. These sections provide information about some career options for historians.

Research historians

They are interested in understanding how and why significant past events happened by interrogating facts in different contexts. Historical evidence is the grist for the researcher’s analysis. This includes primary sources such as documents, material artifacts, and firsthand recollections. Secondary sources are often the work of other historians. Their work can be displayed in museums, used in lectures, or published in academic journals.

Museum Researcher

Museum researchers are responsible for providing artifact descriptions, authenticating historical materials, and contributing to exhibits or educational programs. Museum researchers are experts in their field. Some focus on particular historical records, such as manuscripts or photographs, maps, and video and audio recordings, while others specialize in a specific area. Museum researchers might also help to acquire and curate new pieces for display.

Cultural Resource Manager

Cultural resource managers are responsible for preserving and memorializing cultural heritage. Cultural preservationists have access to historical maps, government records, and contemporary publications. Secondary sources are also available.

FBI Intelligence Analyst:

FBI intelligence analysts interpret and collect information from many sources to identify threats and communicate these to decision-makers. An analyst with a history background can help to advise on possible responses to these threats using their knowledge of past events. The FBI Intelligence Analyst Selection Process tests critical thinking, writing, analytical, and time management skills. This is all the focus of Master of Arts programs in History.

U.S. Navy Historian

Historical researchers can use their knowledge of past political and social events to consult and support government agencies. According to the NHHC, the Naval History and Heritage Command, archivists, and other personnel are responsible for “using history and heritage to enhance warfighting capabilities of the U.S. Navy.” The agency preserves material of historical importance to the Navy and assists in recovering and preserving lost ships and aircraft.

Professor at University

According to the Journal of Research Practice, businesses and government agencies are increasingly hiring historians as consultants. In addition, higher education institutions need history professors to train the next generation of researchers. History professors can also teach public affairs and political science courses at universities and colleges.

Salary for History Researcher

Historical researchers can earn different wages depending on their job, education, and years of experience.

  • Historian. History specialists earned a median annual income of $63,690.
  • Museum researcher. According to the BLS, the median annual salary of museum curators, archivists, and museum researchers was $49,850 in May 2019.
  • Cultural resource manager. According to the BLS, these individuals earned an average annual salary of $63,670 in May 2019.
  • FBI intelligence analyst. According to PayScale, the median salary for FBI intelligence analysts in America is $70,000.
  • Navy historian. The annual salaries of navy historians vary depending on their position. A supervisory curator, however, can earn between $96,070 to $126,062, according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
  • Professor at a university. According to the BLS, professors in postsecondary history earned an average annual salary of $751,170.

Steps to become a history researcher

Although there is no one way to be a historian researcher, there are some common traits. First, they combine academic preparation with practical experience through internships and jobs.

Step 1: Obtain an advanced education.

To be a successful historian researcher, you must have a solid academic foundation. This can start with a bachelor’s in a relevant area. Aspiring researchers can also learn valuable skills while completing their undergraduate history coursework.

While a bachelor’s degree is sufficient for entry-level positions in history, most historian jobs require a master’s or doctorate. Many historians have a Master of Arts degree in History, while others hold degrees in museum studies, historic preservation, and archiving.

Step 2: Get Experience.

Although students can learn about the daily work of historians through internships and field assignments, they cannot replace the experience gained by working as a research assistant or assistant curator.

Nevertheless, it’s a great way to learn about the various career options for researchers while also acquiring practical skills such as designing exhibits or processing and preserving artifacts. These positions also offer opportunities to use skills gained through academic work, such as writing research reports, analyzing data, and using technology resources.

Step 3: Get a doctorate.

A doctoral program in history may be available for researchers who want to specialize in a particular area of research, especially if they are looking to work in academia or a federal agency. A specialization typically represents a country or region, a period, or a subfield of history, such as social, cultural, and political. In addition, many universities and colleges hire people with a master’s degree who are also pursuing a doctoral degree to teach.

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